How Much Protein Do I Need?
People who attempt to restrict their food intake commonly eat inadequate protein. Most nutritionists recommend that we eat about 60% of our calories as carbohydrate, 25-30% as fat, and 10-15% as protein. For most people, this means eating the amount of protein in at least two 3 oz. servings of protein-rich foods and 2 or…
Ritual in Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders as a Source of Meaning, Religion and Ritual In my years of treating eating disorders, I have noticed that these conditions serve purposes that are not always obvious. In our commercial, materialistic world where value is determined by looks and wealth, many people are hungry for meaning and direction and eating disorders can…
Resource: Antidepressants and Nutrition
When your doctor recommends an antidepressant or other psycho-active medication, she or he believes that a chemical imbalance is partially responsible for the symptoms you reported. This part of treatment is often absolutely necessary in order for you to make some of the changes in your eating, sleeping or exercise that you desire to make.…